家長為小朋友配角膜矯視OK鏡前, 通常都有好多疑問, 呢一篇Dr Marco幾年前接受 Oh! 爸媽訪問, 畀過嘅意見, 好多到依家都仲係適用, 大家有疑問都可以細閱一下。
A hot topic about childhood myopia control recently: a so-called Repeated Low-level Red Light (RLRL) therapy is emerging to be a very effective regime in controlling, maybe even reversing myopia!!🤓 Is it a hope or a hype???🤔
Orthokeratology (a.k.a. OK lens) is a non-surgical, reversible eyesight correction regime suitable for both adults and children. It can free everyone from eyeglasses wearing and there are plenty of scientific research supporting its safety and effectiveness in slowing down the overwhelming myopia growth of kids!
Mon - Wed: 10am - 7pm
Thur - Sat: 9am - 8pm
Sun & Public Holidays: Closed