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Unleash Your Children's Potential: iCare Eyecare's Solutions Enhance Learning and Sports Engagement! (Press Release)

iCare Eyecare 護眼.家提供動態及運動視能分析訓練 助學生護眼提升視覺功能 (am730 媒體報道) - iCARE EYECARE  護眼·家
With the rise of digital media, screen devices have become an integral part of everybody's life, and e-learning is an inevitable trend in school. However, this has posed unprecedented challenges to the visual health of everyone, especially children. According to a recent study by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, the prevalence of myopia among children in Hong Kong has reached a record high. Notably, after the pandemic, the myopia rate among six-year-olds surged from 13.9% pre-pandemic to 25%, nearly doubling. This trend has raised widespread concerns as myopia is now considered a multifaceted condition that significantly impacts eye health in the long run. In addition to myopia, children may also suffer from other refractive errors (such as hyperopia and astigmatism), strabismus, and various levels of dynamic visual impairments, such as convergence insufficiency (CI). These eye conditions can significantly hamper children's reading, learning, concentration, and sports performance, potentially affecting their overall development. Parents must be aware of these issues and seek professional analysis to ensure their child's vision is not a barrier to their success.


BB好似有啲鬥雞眼喎! - iCARE EYECARE  護眼·家
斜視的狀況有時是爸媽自己察覺到的,也有時是親戚朋友轉告說:「你BB好似有尐鬥雞眼喎!」。俗語說的鬥雞眼應該是指內斜視,斜視的其中一種,那麼斜視其實是一個甚麼狀況? 對孩子的視覺發展會有甚麼重大影響呢? 

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