During the summer vacation of 2024, customers of the Myopia Management Program for School Children can enjoy free trial fittings of myopia control soft contact lens or OK lens (Orthokeratology) and even special discounts! During the summer vacation of 2024, customers of the Myopia Management Program for School Children can enjoy free trial fittings of myopia control soft contact lens or OK lens (Orthokeratology) and even special discounts!
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BB好似有啲鬥雞眼喎! - iCARE EYECARE  護眼·家
斜視的狀況有時是爸媽自己察覺到的,也有時是親戚朋友轉告說:「你BB好似有尐鬥雞眼喎!」。俗語說的鬥雞眼應該是指內斜視,斜視的其中一種,那麼斜視其實是一個甚麼狀況? 對孩子的視覺發展會有甚麼重大影響呢? 

What is dynamic and sports vision?

什麼是動態及運動視能? - iCARE EYECARE  護眼·家

Our world is far from static. From driving a car to reading a book and beyond, life's most basic activities require a complex range of dynamic vision skills - skills that an eye chart alone cannot measure. When these skills are out of sync, it can impact you in big and often unexpected ways.

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Mon - Wed: 10am - 7pm
Thur - Sat: 9am - 8pm
Sun & Public Holidays: Closed