During the summer vacation of 2024, customers of the Myopia Management Program for School Children can enjoy free trial fittings of myopia control soft contact lens or OK lens (Orthokeratology) and even special discounts! During the summer vacation of 2024, customers of the Myopia Management Program for School Children can enjoy free trial fittings of myopia control soft contact lens or OK lens (Orthokeratology) and even special discounts!
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iCare Eyecare 護眼.家提供動態及運動視能分析訓練 助學生護眼提升視覺功能 (am730 媒體報道)

iCare Eyecare 護眼.家提供動態及運動視能分析訓練 助學生護眼提升視覺功能 (am730 媒體報道) - iCARE EYECARE  護眼·家

隨著科技進步,日常生活離不開數碼產品,電子化學習愈趨普及,學童的視能健康正面臨前所未有的挑戰。根據香港中文大學的最新研究,香港兒童的近視患病率已達到歷史新高,特別是在疫情後,六歲兒童的近視率從疫情前的13.9%上升至25%,增幅近一倍。這一項趨勢引發了廣泛的關注,除了近視問題一定要注意外,兒童亦有機會患上其他屈光不正狀況 (遠視、散光) 、斜視、和不同類型程度的動態視覺障礙,例如眼睛內聚力不足(CI)等,這些不同的眼睛問題都會對學童在學習的專注力上,有一定程度的影響。

Comprehensive eye examination - iCare's aspiration!

全面眼科視光檢查 - 係 iCare Eyecare 護眼.家嘅初心! - iCARE EYECARE  護眼·家

Dr. Marco founded iCare Eyecare with its mission: keep your eyes, promote your wellness, sharpen your edge! So when you come for your comprehensive eye exam at iCare, please do not puzzle why it takes so long. At the end of the day, we must be better safe than sorry when it comes to your precious sight and wellness!

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Mon - Wed: 10am - 7pm
Thur - Sat: 9am - 8pm
Sun & Public Holidays: Closed