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Dr Marco, PhD. Forum

What is presbyopia? How can I deal with it?

老花其實係點樣? 可以點處理? - iCARE EYECARE  護眼·家
Presbyopia is an expected decline in the accommodative (aka Zoom) function of the eyes that occurs with age. No one can avoid it, so it is not considered a disease. Proper task-specific use of conventional, standard- and indoor-progressive lenses can enhance the overall proficiency of presbyopic people, empowering them to enjoy their activities and fully feel confident in their capabilities.

What is diabetic retinopathy?

糖尿病視網膜病變(俗稱糖尿上眼)係點㗎? - iCARE EYECARE  護眼·家

For individuals with diabetes, the retina, the light-sensing tissue of the eyes, is constantly at risk. This can lead to serious eye health issues at any time. Control your diabetes through appropriate lifestyle modifications and medical interventions to maintain a less hostage retinal environment. Get regular comprehensive eye examinations to preserve your precious eyesight!

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