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首頁 / 博士講場 / Dr. Marco, Ph.D. is happy to serve as a contributor to Myopiafocus.org.

Dr. Marco, Ph.D. is happy to serve as a contributor to Myopiafocus.org.

Dr. Marco, Ph.D. is happy to serve as a contributor to Myopiafocus.org. - iCARE EYECARE  護眼·家
Myopia is reaching epidemic levels in many parts of the world according to the BHVI (Brian Holden Vision Institute) and the WHO (World Health Organisation). It’s considered to be a new pandemic worldwide. Dr. Marco, Ph.D. is happy to serve as a contributor to Myopiafocus.org. This professional community pledges to educate the public about the impact of childhood-onset myopia and the benefits of its proper management.

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